Kathleen Case

Boom! Social media for your fledgling salon!

Ask me about how unnerving it can be to start your own business! Costs, expenses, marketing, inventories, advertising, yada yada yada. It goes on and on and on. So clearly, one of the things you worry about is increasing your clientele especially if you’re running your very own salon because in all honesty, the success of your salon business really does depend upon your clients.

Bottom line: You. Need. Clients.

And how are you going to increase your clientele? By making the most of social media! Trust me you’ll be wiser for it because you’ve got to move with the times and embrace change. This IS the age of social media where more and more people are turning to their smart phones and tablets to shop online, communicate with people, express their thoughts and opinions and just stay abreast of the latest goings-on in the world. Social media is huge, you guys. So if you want to grow your...

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